Cost Plus Pricing

What is Cost Plus Pricing?

Cost plus pricing is a straightforward pricing strategy where a business sets the price of a product or service by adding a markup to the cost of producing it. This approach ensures that all costs are covered and provides a consistent profit margin. Cost plus pricing is widely used in industries such as manufacturing, construction, and professional services.

To determine the price using cost plus pricing, a business first calculates the total cost of delivert, which includes direct costs, as well as indirect costs such as overhead. A markup percentage is then added to this total cost to set the final price. For example, if the total cost to produce a product is $100 and the desired markup is 20%, the selling price would be $120.

The main advantage of cost plus pricing is its simplicity. It is easy to calculate and ensures that all costs are covered, reducing the risk of underpricing. This method also provides a stable profit margin, which can be particularly important in industries with fluctuating costs.

However, cost plus pricing has limitations. It does not consider the competitive landscape or customer demand, which can lead to prices that are either too high or too low compared to the market. Businesses using this strategy may miss opportunities to maximize profits or fail to attract price-sensitive customers. To mitigate these issues, businesses can combine cost plus pricing with other pricing strategies that take market conditions and customer value into account.

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Learn how we help fast-growing businesses save resources, prevent revenue leakage, and drive more revenue through effective pricing and billing.

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Scale revenue operations across multiple countries, entities, and currencies, without having to build complex billing infrastructure.

From startup to IPO and beyond

Designed for fast-growing businesses

Scale revenue operations across multiple countries, entities, and currencies, without having to build complex billing infrastructure.

Why Solvimon

Helping businesses reach the next level

The Solvimon platform is extremely flexible allowing us to bill the most tailored enterprise deals automatically.

Ciaran O'Kane

Head of Finance

Solvimon is not only building the most flexible billing platform in the space but also a truly global platform.

Juan Pablo Ortega


I was skeptical if there was any solution out there that could relieve the team from an eternity of manual billing. Solvimon impressed me with their flexibility and user-friendliness.

János Mátyásfalvi


Working with Solvimon is a different experience than working with other vendors. Not only because of the product they offer, but also because of their very senior team that knows what they are talking about.

Steven Burgemeister

Product Lead, Billing